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The prenatal, pregnancy and the postpartum phases are a time to access supports, engage in self care and plan ahead. These resources will help you to do just that. Remember, you are not alone in feeling like you are in uncharted territory, all new families feel this way to a certain degree. This is a time to invoke as much support as you can, because you and your new baby deserve it!


There are many support groups in the valley and their details change constantly. As a result, this list may not be correct at the time you view it.

Motherwoman is an amazing resource which lists a number of support groups both online and in the area.

CPW offers therapy and teletherapy and support groups

Center for perinatal wellness in Easthampton

Beyond Birth, (birth to four months)

led by Ann Buscemi. Meets in the Cooley Dickinson Childbirth Center Conference Room every Thursday from 1:00-3:00pm.


The following is a list of Family Centers in Hampshire County. All centers listed below receive funding from a Coordinated Family and Community Engagement grant from the MA Department of Early Education and Care and support families with children up through the age of four.

Belchertown Family Center

Directions: 720 Franklin Street. Located on Rte. 181 five miles south of Belchertown Center. 413-283-7594

Cummington Family Center

Directions: 33 Main Street. Enter in back of the Community House on Main St. in Cummington. 413-634-5362

Easthampton Family Center

Directions: Playgroups meet at Christ United Methodist Church, 271 Rocky Hill Road (Rte. 66) in Northampton. 413-563-7672

Gateway Family Center

Directions: Located across from the Fire Station at 9 Russell Rd. (Rte. 20) in Huntington. 413-667-2203.

Northampton Parents Center

Directions: Located at the Edwards Church, corner of State and Main Streets in Northampton. Please use rear entrance. 413-582-2636

South Hadley Family Center

Directions: Located at All Saints Episcopal Church on Rte. 116, across from the post office in South Hadley Center. 7 Woodbridge Street, South Hadley. 413-533-7096

Ware Family Center

Directions: Located in the United Church of Ware, uphill from Rte. 9 in Ware Center. 413-205-8714


What is a doula? A trained person who can support and guide you through the pregnancy, birth and postpartum phases. The Green River Doula Network is one place to find one in this area. I have also listed urls for some doulas who have their own websites and are currently accepting clients.


DONA international offers a great postpartum planning tool. It is like a birth plan for the postpartum


Resources for the partner

Cooley Dickinson offers a support group for

The Other Parent

A unique offering, this group focuses on issues specific to the non-birthing partner. The sessions are skillfully facilitated by experienced partners/parents, during which space is held for participants to share their thoughts on pregnancy and birth, parenting, and life changes. This discussion group is open to all partners, free of charge, and meets monthly on the fourth Monday. For more information, contact

Here are some good books for the partner. While the titles make it clear that the focus is fathers, it may offer some ideas for partners who aren't male.

She’s Had a Baby and Now I’m Having a Meltdown: What Every New Father Needs to Know About Marriage, Sex & Diapers

by James Douglas Barron

Postpartum Husband: Practical Solutions for Living with Postpartum Depression

by Karen Kleinman, MSW

Here is some information regarding doulas and partners


For postpartum depression and anxiety related needs, help can be one call or click away. This is a good place to start if you don't want to leave your home.

Postpartum support international

The Online PPD Support Group


For those who are struggling with infertility and for those who are considering adoption

This website provides lists of books, podcasts and much more covering a wide variety of issues relevant to infertility and adoption.

This book is excellent:

Unsung Lullabies: Understanding and Coping with Infertility

by Janet Jaffe (Author) , David Diamond (Author) , Martha Diamond (Author)


Yoga has been shown to be beneficial both in the pregnancy and postpartum for mom and baby. Check out these sites for classes in various locations.


Light therapy can help resolve depression without the use of medication


Accupuncture can be very helpful with sleep, digestion, infertility, postpartum emotional and physical health. Despite its association with needles, they don't always have to be used.


Breastfeeding can be challenging or can generate lots of questions. These sites might give you answers and support.


Cranio sacral work can be very useful after birth for the new baby because birth is an intense experience. It can also be very useful for mom after labor to recalibrate her body. Sessions at Amajoy provide bodywork for the child, and suggestions for home practice which can help to increase comfort and capabilities.

This blog will give you lots of ideas for supporting your babies development.


Hilltown families is chockablock full of information for families.

It takes a village offers free of charge community support for the first three months after a baby is born

This organization is dedicated to promoting the benefits of public cord blood banking. Umbilical cord blood has helped children survive over 80 diseases including leukemia, lymphoma, and anemia and is now being used in older patients. Our mission is to help others understand how they can benefit and help save the lives of sick children in need.

There have been over 35,000 cord blood transplants thanks to donors worldwide. Consider banking your child's cord blood. for more information, click on the website above.


This article discusses the postpartum, the value of supports in this phase and self in relation theory.

This link will take you to Ms. Kathleen Kendal Tackett's many articles on the postpartum, breastfeeding, trauma and more.


25 Main Street, suite 214 Northampton MA, 01060

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